2024 Holistic Defense & Leadership Conference (Minneapolis)

  • By: National Legal Aid & Defender Association (NLADA), American Council of Chief Defenders (ACCD), Black Public Defender Association (BPDA), Community Oriented Defense Network and National Alliance of Sentencing Advocates and Mitigation Specialists (NASAMS)
  • Civil Rights
  • Criminal
  • Ethical Issues

2024 Holistice Defense & Leadership Conference banner

The National Legal Aid & Defender Association is hosting its 2024 Holistic Defense & Leadership Conference in Minneapolis, Minnesota on June 12-14, 2024.

The Holistic Defense and Leadership Conference brings together several Defender communities to provide plenaries and workshops dedicated to improving knowledge and building skills around holistic, client-centered advocacy. Join NLADA for incredible sessions offered by the Black Public Defender Association, the National Alliance of Sentencing Advocates and Mitigation Specialists, the Community Oriented Defense Network, and the American Council of Chief Defenders.

This year's conference will include four main tracks: the BPDA track, the NASAMS Fundamentals of Mitigation Certificate track, the Holistic track, and a DEIB-Centered Leadership track. Attendees can choose to stay within their chosen track or float between tracks for a more holistic experience. Join us in community to strengthen our shared purpose!


Early (3/27 - 4/14) Member and Non-Member Registration: $250/$350
Regular (4/15 - 5/14) Member and Non-Member Registration: $300/$400
Regular (4/15 - 5/14) Member and Non-Member Group (4+) Registration: $220/$320
Late (5/15 - 5/29) Member and Non-Member Group (4+) Registration: $270/$370
Late (5/15 - 5/29) Member and Non-Member Registration: $350/$450

Discounts available for attendees of the 2024 American Council of Chief Defenders (ACCD) Pre-Conference and for groups of 4 or more. 

More Information

  • CLE Credit Comments:

    CLE credit may be obtained for attending selected sessions.

  • Contact:
    National Legal Aid & Defender Association