Homelessness Case Discussions: Panhandling & Food-Sharing (Virtual Event)

  • Homelessness


NHLC logoThe National Homelessness Law Center is hosting a webinar entitled Panhandling & Food-Sharing on May 25, 2022 from 2:00 PM-3:00 PM Eastern. 

The Law Center recently released the Litigation Manual Supplement - a comprehensive list of case summaries detailing the constitutional claims and outcomes for federal and state lawsuits litigating the criminalization of homelessness.

These case summaries, organized by jurisdiction and subject matter, can be used as a resource for attorneys, advocates, and activists seeking to use the power of the law to challenge laws that criminalize homelessness and replace them with policies and practices that prioritize the provision of housing and dignity to unhoused communities.

This webinar covers the topics of Panhandling & Food-Sharing addressed in the Manual Supplement. It will cover highlights and key takeaways from lawsuits related to panhandling and food-sharing ordinances. This event will be moderated by the Law Center's Senior Attorney, Tristia Bauman. Speakers TBA.

This is part of a series of webinars during which attorneys who successfully litigated these cases will share their experiences and expertise. The presentation will also feature issue-specific testimonies from individuals with lived experience via Invisible People's YouTube channel.