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Landlord/Tenant Petition to Vacate Clinic and CLE (Philadelphia)

  • Landlord/Tenant-Evictions
  • Landlord/Tenant

Philadelphia VIP logoPhiladelphia VIP will be holding its first Landlord/Tenant Petition to Vacate Clinic and CLE on Monday, June 24. The program will be held at the Kline Institue of Trial Advocacy, 1200 Chestnut St., Philadelphia, 19107. 

Receive a CLS-led training on working with tenant clients for 1 ethics credit. During the training, also learn how to draft and file a petition to vacate, and then meet with tenant clients to draft petitions on-site.

After the clinic, volunteers will contact opposing counsel to sign off on petitions and proposed orders. Volunteers will then e-file the petitions. There is always a small chance that these petitions will be opposed and a hearing will be scheduled, but the Court typically allows attorneys to choose the date for the hearing.

The CLE training will run from 4:00-5:30 pm, and the clinic will run from 5:45-7:00 pm.