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2017 Fair Credit Reporting Act Conference (Baltimore, MD)

  • Credit Issues

The National Association of Consumer Advocates will be hosting the 2017 Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA) Conference in Baltimore, MD, from April 27 through 29. There will also be a pre-conference Trial Skills Workshop April 26 and 27.

Why You Should Attend

According to the FTC, approximately ten million Americans have serious mistakes on their credit reports, impacting their abilities to purchase homes and cars and even get jobs. These challenges are increased drastically for minority and underserved communities. The National Consumer Law Center recently concluded that there are “stunning racial disparities” in credit reports and credit scores. The racial wealth gap affects consumers’ abilities to pay their bills, with past delinquencies biasing credit scores and further hindering access of low income and minority communities to credit and other basic necessities. 

Learn the skills, knowledge, strategies, and tactics to make a difference in your credit reporting cases and achieve justice for all those who need it. While the law is the same, the credit reporting problems that manifest differ depending on the community affected. The 2017 FCRA Conference will provide innovative content to help private, public interest, and legal service attorneys of all experience levels address the unique needs of their clients.

What You Will Learn
  • Methods and criteria to use to evaluate what makes a good case
  • Specific discovery approaches to apply based on case type  
  • Litigation strategies for employment, landlord tenant, and background checks cases
  • Recommendations for proving damages and willful violations
Pre-Conference Trial Skills Workshop

On April 26 and April 27, NACA will be offering a 1 ½ day pre-conference workshop on winning your case through opening statements. The workshop will be limited to thirty people and will be led by David Humphreys and Luke Wallace. This workshop will be highly participatory and will include opportunities to work together in small groups to improve your delivery of opening statements. If you prefer a lecture-style format, this workshop is not for you. A separate fee will be required to participate in the workshop. 

More Information and Registration

  • CLE Credit Comments: NACA is applying for CLE credits for the conference in the state of Pennsylvania. Attendees from other states will need to apply directly to their state bar to receive CLE credits. Certificates of attendance will be given upon request. Additional support with CLE applications will also be provided upon request.
  • Contact:
    National Association of Consumer Advocates
  • Website: