Veterans Consortium Pro Bono Program Training

  • By: Veterans Consortium Pro Bono Program LSC funded
  • Source: Pennsylvania
  • Veterans/Military

The Veterans Consortium Pro Bono Program is holding a full day training program for volunteer attorneys on March 31, 2017 in Washington, D.C.

The Veterans Consortium Pro Bono Program provides veterans and other VA claimants who have been denied by the VA’s Board of Veterans’ Appeals with free attorney representation in their appeal before the U.S. Court of Appeals for Veterans Claims. The Program recruits and trains attorneys and evaluates court appeals for merit. The trained volunteer attorneys are then matched with a client whose appeal has merit.

The Pro Bono Program is funded by a Congressional appropriation and a grant administered by the Legal Services Corporation, plus donated time and money from the four participating veterans service organizations.

The program’s staff of veterans law specialists screen the appeals of individuals who file pro se at the Court, and appeals are referred to trained volunteer attorneys (if the appellant meets income eligibility guidelines).

Volunteer attorneys are trained in veterans law by attending this day-long training seminar. After being trained and accepting a case, each participating attorney also receives the latest version of the Veterans Benefit Manual (usually 2 bound volumes and a CD-ROM), a comprehensive guide to litigating veterans benefits claims. The volunteer is also assigned a mentor who specializes in this area of the law.

Register for the Training

More Information on the Volunteer Attorney Program

  • CLE Credit Comments:

    For each in-person training seminar that is conducted, the Program seeks and receives CLE credit with at least one state bar (usually the state where the training occurs). If you seek CLE credit in a state for which the training seminar is currently CLE-approved, you need only submit to the state bar the form that is provided to you by the Program.

    However, if you seek CLE credit in a state where the training seminar does not have current CLE approval, you must initiate the CLE process individually with the CLE administrator of the state. No state has ever denied CLE for this training seminar.

    In the past, CLE approval has been received in Virginia, Colorado, Washington state, Oregon, Utah, New York, Texas, California, Illinois, Indiana, Florida, South Carolina, Pennsylvania, West Virginia, Georgia, Michigan, Delaware, Minnesota, and other states. Typically the Program is approved for between 6.5 – 8.0 CLE credits, depending on the state.

  • Contact:
    Veterans Consortium Pro Bono Program
  • Website: