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Landlord-Tenant CLE - A Two-Track Training: Nuts and Bolts & Negotiation Strategy (Philadelphia)

  • Housing

Philadelphia VIP, the hub of pro bono legal services in Philadelphia, is sponsoring a free CLE training program for attorneys on the topic of Landlord Tenant Law on January 20. 2017 from 8:30 am - 11:00 am at Dechert LLP, Cira Centre, 2929 Arch Street, Philadelphia, PA 19104.

This program will provide an overview of landlord tenant law as well as practical information for representing a client in a landlord tenant dispute in the Philadelphia courts. The second portion of the training will include a choice of two NEW sessions:  “Nuts and Bolts: Taking a Landlord Tenant case in Municipal Court” or “In-Depth Negotiation Strategy and Changes in the Law”.


  • Ethan D. Fogel, Partner, Dechert LLP
  • Kate Ericsson, Associate, Dechert LLP
  • Rasheedah Phillips, Managing Attorney, Housing Unit, Community Legal Services

Each attorney who attends and accepts a VIP pro bono case within 6 months of the training will earn two free substantive CLE credits.

More Information and Registration

  • CLE Credit Comments: Each attorney who attends and accepts a VIP pro bono case within 6 months of the training will earn two free substantive CLE credits.
  • Contact:
    Philadelphia VIP
  • Website: