
Volunteers Needed for Veteran's Day Read Aloud Program

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The Pennsylvania Bar Association and The Rendell Center are recruiting veterans or members of our Armed Forces to virtually read to elementary school classes from - November 11-15 to celebrate Veteran’s Day.

The Rendell Center’s Read Aloud Lessons are one of our most popular Literature-based programs and ones that we implement effectively using Zoom. We have found the virtual format works well for the teacher/class because it enables all to see the book and follow along with the reading, and it suits volunteers, too, because it requires only 30-45 minutes of their time and best of all – they don’t have to leave the office or home! The process we have found that works best for a Rendell Center virtual Read Aloud session is for the volunteer to read the book via Zoom. When the reading concludes, the veteran leads the class in a brief discussion service to country (based on lesson that we have prepared and will provide to you in advance). A member of our staff will join you for the lesson, managing the PowerPoint of the book, helping to get the discussion started, and keeping things moving along. These special Read Aloud sessions present a tremendous opportunity for veterans/members of the Armed Forces to connect with and inspire the next generation to be knowledgeable and active citizens.

WHAT WE NEED: Veterans/Members of the Armed Forces to commit to a Zoom visit from November 11-15 with elementary school students in which they will read one of two selected books. After reading the book, talk with the students using specially designed discussion questions provided by the Rendell Center. Please contact us to arrange the visit.

WHAT WE PROVIDE: The Rendell Center will handle all logistics – scheduling, Zoom setup, and introduction on the reading day. If you are interested in an in-person classroom visit, please let us know and we can also help coordinate that visit. Prior to the visit, we will provide each volunteer with an electronic copy of the book you choose from the three books pictured and a lesson plan to be used for the follow-up discussion on the book.

To sign up to do a reading email

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