Volunteer Readers Needed for Celebration of Constitution Day
- 8/28/2024
- Pennsylvania Bar Association
- Link:
The Pennsylvania Bar Association and The Rendell Center are recruiting lawyers and judges to virtually read to elementary school classes from September 16-22, 2024 in Celebration of Constitution Day.
The Rendell Center’s Read Aloud Lessons are one of our most popular literature-based programs and ones that we implement effectively using Zoom. We have found the process that works best for a virtual Read Aloud session is for the attorney/judge to read the book via Zoom while in their office, a law library, or even in a courtroom. When the reading concludes, the attorney/judge leads the class in a brief discussion about the Constitution and the Rule of Law. (The Rendell Center provides questions to help you get the discussion started and keep it moving along.) The entire process takes 30-45 minutes, and a session like this presents a tremendous opportunity for Pennsylvania Bar Association members to connect with and inspire young students.
- WHAT WE NEED: Attorneys or Judges to commit to a Zoom call with elementary school students in which they will read one of 4 selected books to the class and lead them in a brief discussion about the book, the Constitution, and the Rule of Law.
- WHAT WE PROVIDE: The Rendell Center will provide each lawyer with a PowerPoint of the book and handle all logistics (scheduling, Zoom setup, and introduction on reading day).
CONSTITUTION DAY 2024 is a wonderful way to:
- Celebrate the Constitution and the Rule of Law.
- Make young students aware of the Constitution and its history.
- Promote interest in young people in the law.
For additional information and to sign up to do a reading visit email
- Other
- Attorneys / Legal Services