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Freedom of Information Act – Make the Most of Your Right to the Government's Records (Virtual Event)

  • Attorneys / Legal Services


The Practising Law Institute is offering a one-hour briefing via webcast entitled Freedom of Information Act – Make the Most of Your Right to the Government's Records on July 11, 2024 from 3:00 PM-4:00 PM Eastern.

Registration: $25.00

Full scholarships and discounts to attend PLI programs are widely available to attorneys working in nonprofit/legal services organizations; pro bono attorneys; government attorneys; judges and judicial law clerks; law professors and law students; senior attorneys (age 65 and over); law librarians and paralegals who work for nonprofit/legal services organizations; unemployed attorneys; and others with financial hardships.

All eligible attendees are urged to complete and submit a PLI Scholarship Application.

The Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) is a vital way to get information from U.S. government agencies. Although it was designed as a powerful tool to ensure government transparency, navigating FOIA is often messy and confusing. But it does not have to be. Join the International Refugee Assistance Project (IRAP) for an overview on how to make FOIA work for you - from crafting your initial FOIA request, to getting meaningful agency responses, to having an impact with the information you learn.

This session will discuss:

  • What FOIA does and doesn't do (10 minutes)
  • Crafting a targeted and effective FOIA request (10 minutes)
  • Exemptions to disclosure (10 minutes)
  • FOIA appeals and litigation (20 minutes)
  • How to make the most of your FOIA productions (10 minutes)

  • CLE Credit Comments:

    PA CLE Credit: 1.0 Substantive Credit

  • Contact:
    Practising Law Institute
    800.260.4PLI (4754)