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A Deep Dive into HUD’s New Income and Asset Rules (Virtual Event)

  • Public Housing
  • Federally Subsidized Housing
  • Senior Citizens


National Center on Law & Elder Rights logoThe National Center on Law & Elder Rights is hosting a free webinar entitled A Deep Dive into HUD’s New Income and Asset Rules on June 13, 2024 from 2:00 PM-3:00 PM Eastern. 

In January 2023, HUD published new regulations pursuant to federal law that impacts all HUD tenants. The Housing Opportunity Through Modernization Act of 2016 (HOTMA) Sections 102, 103, and 104 govern important aspects of HUD programs including:

  • How income and assets are calculated
  • New rules for over-income tenants in public housing
  • Guidance on recertifying tenant income

These major changes to the law will be discusses during the webinar, highlight those most relevant to older adults. 


Deborah Thrope, National Housing Law Project
Lila Gitesatani, National Housing Law Project

Moderator: Jennifer Kye, Justice in Aging

Capacity for this session is limited to 3,000 participants, and all participants will have the option of accessing audio through the computer or by phone. Closed captioning will be available. Please be sure to log onto the webinar a few minutes early in order to secure your place for the live presentation on Zoom. If you would like to request ASL interpretation or have other accessibility related questions, please email at least one week in advance. 

  • Contact:
    National Center on Law & Elder Rights